Welcome to the

Greenport Fire Department

This is the home page for the training needs of the department.

I hope to grow the site and organize it so the members can reach their full potential through training exercises, educational programs and drills. Our goal should be to keep our names from appearing on the Fallen Firefighter list and that everyone goes home safe.

If there are any subjects for which you would like to receive training, we would be willing to obtain a course or invite outside instructors to teach a course for the improvement of our abilities for any subject matter pertaining to firefighting, vehicle extrication and many other areas.

Solar Power Firefighting Information

The report below is a result of research regarding both photovoltaic and thermal solar power systems. Might be a good idea to look it over since it is becoming more prevalent as people look for "green" ways to create energy for their homes for both electricity and heating. Click the link below to open the document in a new page.

Fire Fighter Safety and Emergency Response for Solar Power Systems

It's got some good information that will keep you safe should you encounter any of the researched solar systems which may be on or near a house.

Contact me and ask for any specific training ideas you may have.

GFD Training Officer